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Westbury Hospital, Westbury

Brownfield Redevelopment


Greenhalgh Landscape Architecture have created a residential masterplan for the redevelopment of a redundant NHS hospital.


Located on the edge of the town of Westbury, the sensitive landscape setting required a landscape led scheme that would take into account the neighbouring Salisbury Plain SSSI and a conservation area. Field drains, TPO’d trees and protected species required special consideration when masterplanning for the 60 proposed homes. Planning permission was granted in 2016.


Main objectives: 


- Landscape and Visual appraisal to inform edge of settlement approach, massing and landscape character.


- Density and scale of the proposed development graded across the site ensuring the redevelopment can be successfully accommodated.


- Create a strong landscape framework for the new development with additional pedestrian connections, habitat corridors and integrated SUDS drainage.


- Strengthen the field boundary, creating a full dense hedge with groups of trees, mature.


- Trees allowed to develop, reflecting the wider field patterns.

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