Wyndham Street, Newport
Urban Regeneration
Greenhalgh Landscape Architecture in collaboration with Nash Partnership, have been appointed to masterplan a mixed use redevelopment of the vacant Sainsbury’s site in Newport, Wales.
The site is located within the city centre of Newport on the banks of the River Usk and the development for tall buildings includes; residential units, student accommodation, a new hotel, restaurants, a health centre and a convenience store.
A landscape strategy has been prepared to provide a new riverside park and gardens, new public realm to the perimeter and central spaces, roof terraces and green roofs. The aims of the landscape strategy are to connect the site to the city centre, establish a new landscape corridor along the River Usk for the existing and potential wildlife, create a public realm setting for the buildings and provide a new destination with the riverside park and gardens. Mud crack forms and materials found on the river bank inform the design proposals, providing a unique riverside park, born of the River Usk .
Wyndham Street has recently been granted outline planning permission by Newport City Council. Greenhalgh Landscape Architecture are currently preparing the reserved matters application to be submitted in 2016.